
自建设以来,shi终承袭高尺度、严要求的原则,以质量和创新为焦点,一直提升产物和服务的水平。我们幸运地宣布,我公司已经乐成通过了一系列主要的认证和资质审核,包罗ISO国际质量治理系统认证、IATF 16946汽车行业质量治理尺度,以及严酷的化工产物生产允许认证。此外,我们高度重视生产清静和yuan工福祉,因此我们周全配备了完善的消防设施,并定期举行消防清静培训和演练,确保全体yuan工能够有用应对可能的紧迫qing况。


Huizhou Mingbang Coatings Co., Ltd. is committed to excellence, emphasizing quality and innovation. We have obtained significant certifications, including ISO International Quality Management, IATF 16946 Automotive Industry Quality Management, and Chemical Production Permit. Moreover, prioritizing safety and employee welfare, we are equipped with extensive fire-fighting facilities, conduct regular fire safety training, and have multiple firewater pools to ensure readiness for emergencies.

These accomplishments not only signify our dedication to product quality but also our focus on safety and environmental responsibility. We strive to offer superior, safe, and eco-friendly coating solutions, supporting the success of our partners. This comprehensive approach underscores our commitment to maintaining high standards in both our products and our commitment to safety and environmental stewardship, laying a solid foundation for our continuous growth and contribution to the industry.

